Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Cult of 9-11

Here's a terrific article from our buddies in England on the aspects of 9-11 Denial that verge on cultism.

6) Use of thought-terminating cliches

The 9/11 cult has a rich variety, mostly transatlantic in origin. A 'shill' is anybody they disagree with, who is thereby an implied spook (being an actual spook is no problem as the Machon/Shayler dominance shows). Then there is 'limited hang-out', to describe people who agree on some facts but don't buy the whole package. Webster Tarpley Griffin has a language all his own, involving 'moles', patsies and such like. 'Sheeple' is another derogatory term, used about people who disagree. A favourite phrase is 'Gatekeeper', handily divided into Right and Left Gatekeepers. In the UK, perhaps reflecting a relative lack of sophistication, a characteristic 9/11 cult response to critics is psychiatric-style abuse. Thus, two particularly challenged individuals--Keith Parkin & Tony Gosling pepper their language with references to insanity/asylums/ delusions/lunatics/lunatic rantings/mental illness and so on. All this in an internet exchange where the two originally denied the contents of an encounter outside the 2005 Book Fair which was later conceded, but with no grace. The debate was also insightful for precipitating UK Cultists into the local variant of 'shill'--the accusation critics are working for the spooks.

Our buddy Markyx wrote awhile ago that the 9-11 Denial Movement amounted to a cult (can't locate the posts at JREF right now). Update: Maybe because it wasn't there.


At 26 October, 2006 12:15, Blogger Triterope said...

Of all the things CTs say, the word "sheeple" has got to be the most galling. I hate that word with a passion I normally reserve for telemarketers.

Think of all the snottyness that is embodied in that one word:

1. "You are inferior to me because you do not believe what I do. Even though what I believe is monumentally stupid."

2. "You, and everyone else in the universe who does not subscribe to my pet conspiracy theory, can be easily categorized as non-thinkers."

3. "I am the very model of a modern intellectual, because I get all my news from, and not mainstream sources like you braindead followers do."

4. "I'm not a blind follower. Nope. Not me. I question everything. Even though I read conspiracy-theory websites exclusively, parrot everything they say, and every citation I ever make traces back to Alex Jones."

If we're sheeple, then conspiracy theorists are "black sheeple." To any CTs who may be reading this: if you blindly follow a different path, you're still a blind follower.

At 26 October, 2006 12:38, Blogger Unknown said...

I think Sheeple discribes the toofer's perfectly

At 26 October, 2006 13:30, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Yes, well what is worse, looking at the evidence and making a logical conclusion (us).


Asking questions over and over, when the answers are staring you square in the face (them - Cult of Insanity).

You decide.


At 26 October, 2006 17:20, Blogger Unknown said...

911 was not the least bit funny, it is the toofers that are funny

At 26 October, 2006 17:32, Blogger ConsDemo said...

I disagree with the author's contention the "toofer" movement is secular. They have a religion, it is called "I hate America".

At 26 October, 2006 18:39, Blogger shawn said...

the stuff theya re sying is much more interesting :D

I guess if you consider "getting everything wrong but the date of the attacks" as "interesting" then yes, it is very very very very interesting.

How fucking Sick/Stupid are you people??

No need to worry. We'll never surpass you winners in those two categories.

At 26 October, 2006 19:27, Blogger Triterope said...

"getting everything wrong but the date of the attacks"

And that'll probably be the next thing they question. As loony as the Deniers are getting, how long will it be before someone makes this argument?

"Wake up sheeple, 9/11 didn't even happen on 9/11! The Star Wars death beam just altered the space/time continuum to make you think it did. 9/11 actually hasn't happened yet. I know if you go to downtown Manhattan it looks like there's no building, but that's just green screen CGI."

"Larry Silverstein didn't plan to destroy the WTC until 2009, when his insurance policy would have matured, but Dubya needed it so he could invade Iraq in time for the 2004 elections. By the way, this also refutes the debunkers' tired claim that Silverstein lost money on pulling WTC7: the payouts are in 2009 dollars, which are devalued by inflation from current US dollars."

I give it four months.

At 26 October, 2006 22:24, Blogger Pat said...

Wow, Triterope, you beat my no buildings theory by a good margin there; now all we have to do is come up with a video with a little hip-hop music and an annoying voiceover.

At 27 October, 2006 07:45, Blogger pomeroo said...

Please note that "political piracy" is saying that he has just viewed Loose Change. He has, in other words, finally swallowed the idiocy he's been regurgitating, which is a neat trick. He wouldn't dream of reading the thorough, point-by-point refutations of that supremely dishonest and hopelessly stupid crockumentary. We might ask him how he responds to the collapse of his house of cards.

At 27 October, 2006 08:18, Blogger Manny said...

Please note that "political piracy" is saying that he has just viewed Loose Change. He has, in other words, finally swallowed the idiocy he's been regurgitating, which is a neat trick.

In the interest of full accuracy (something wholly foreign to twoofers), pp is saying he just viewed Screw Loose Change, presumably referring to Markyx' piece.

At 27 October, 2006 15:29, Blogger pomeroo said...

Wow, you're absolutely right. I have to confess that I had just gotten up and I was reading quickly. Still, that's no excuse for missing the most important word in pp's post. As Emily Litella used to say, never mind.

At 29 October, 2006 13:47, Blogger Triterope said...

here's a thought-stopping cliche for you: "conspiracy theorist"

Yeah, but the conspiracy theorists stopped thinking a long time ago, so using a thought-stopping cliche to describe them doesn't hurt anything.

At 01 January, 2007 00:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top 11 Reasons 9/11 Deniers are a Cult:

1. They have no proof of their beliefs, yet believe anyways. They convince themselves they have evidence, but all they have are theories. They have absolute faith that these theories are true, and nothing will persuade them otherwise.

2. They think they are skeptics, but are in fact the opposite of skeptics. They urge others to have an open mind, when they have theirs sealed shut.

3. They block and ban those who disagree with them. They claim free speech is being taken away, yet they do not see the irony of denying it to others. Only "truth" speech must be allowed.

4. Their actions are inconsistent with their beliefs. They believe a large omnipotent Nazi-ish organization is out to conquer them, yet they plaster their names publicly when "exposing" them. They wouldn't last a day in an actual totalitarian regime.

5. They label "truth" all over their beliefs, in order to keep up the self-delusion, instead of "theory" which is the correct label. They feel labelling "truth" all over their theories gives them carte-blanche to be stubborn-headed and unwilling to analyze anything rationally. After all, the "truth" needs no proof or evidence.

6. They make aggressive and annoying use of spam to convert new members to their cult. They organize online to "spread the truth". This is pure cultish behavior designed to protect their beliefs. Instead of presenting evidence, they ask questions to "unbelievers", in order to lure them into a lengthy debate designed to confuse and exhaust new people into their cult.

7. There is an entire episode of South Park that makes fun of them, yet they still dont get the joke.

8. Instead of looking at issues rationally and objectively, they instead try to find facts to suit their theories, ignoring everything else that doesnt fit. This is the complete opposite of scientific investigation. It is closer to apologism.

9. They take anything they read on the internet as evidence. The Internet has a higher level of truth to them, than say, going out and talking to people in real life. They dont want to do actual research, just sit in their safe little room, watching internet videos that prop up their dogma.

10. Any evidence that disproves them, is instantly written off as planted, paid for, from a shill, or controlled by the government/corporate media. The conspiracy logic is so circular that they can never escape their own delusion.

11. There is a big bad guy (George Bush) who is responsible for the evil around us. Him and his henchmen are out to rule the world in a gigantic conspiracy. Only the lone "truthers" can stop him by converting everyone else in the world to their beliefs. Only once the "truth" is spread to all, will the world be safe again from the Big Bad Guy. Only the enlightened "true believers" are the good guys, all the "sheep" who are in the dark are waiting to be enlightened and liberated by the truth. If they cant see the truth, then they are condemned as participants in the evil conspiracy. There is no middle ground. Either you believe the "TRUTH" or you contribute to the shroud of evil and ignorance permeating the world. This is a great way to demonize non-believers, glorify believers, keep the cult members in line with fear, and ridicule anyone who doesnt believe. Finally, the only reason the world hasnt changed to the way they want it to, is because they havent worked hard enough to convert more people. Once everyone is converted to believe in the one true "truth", the world will be a better place.

At 01 January, 2007 00:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top 11 Reasons 9/11 Deniers are a Cult:

1. They have no proof of their beliefs, yet believe anyways. They convince themselves they have evidence, but all they have are theories. They have absolute faith that these theories are true, and nothing will persuade them otherwise.

2. They think they are skeptics, but are in fact the opposite of skeptics. They urge others to have an open mind, when they have theirs sealed shut.

3. They block and ban those who disagree with them. They claim free speech is being taken away, yet they do not see the irony of denying it to others. Only "truth" speech must be allowed.

4. Their actions are inconsistent with their beliefs. They believe a large omnipotent Nazi-ish organization is out to conquer them, yet they plaster their names publicly when "exposing" them. They wouldn't last a day in an actual totalitarian regime.

5. They label "truth" all over their beliefs, in order to keep up the self-delusion, instead of "theory" which is the correct label. They feel labelling "truth" all over their theories gives them carte-blanche to be stubborn-headed and unwilling to analyze anything rationally. After all, the "truth" needs no proof or evidence.

6. They make aggressive and annoying use of spam to convert new members to their cult. They organize online to "spread the truth". This is pure cultish behavior designed to protect their beliefs. Instead of presenting evidence, they ask questions to "unbelievers", in order to lure them into a lengthy debate designed to confuse and exhaust new people into their cult.

7. There is an entire episode of South Park that makes fun of them, yet they still dont get the joke.

8. Instead of looking at issues rationally and objectively, they instead try to find facts to suit their theories, ignoring everything else that doesnt fit. This is the complete opposite of scientific investigation. It is closer to apologism.

9. They take anything they read on the internet as evidence. The Internet has a higher level of truth to them, than say, going out and talking to people in real life. They dont want to do actual research, just sit in their safe little room, watching internet videos that prop up their dogma.

10. Any evidence that disproves them, is instantly written off as planted, paid for, from a shill, or controlled by the government/corporate media. The conspiracy logic is so circular that they can never escape their own delusion.

11. There is a big bad guy (George Bush) who is responsible for the evil around us. Him and his henchmen are out to rule the world in a gigantic conspiracy. Only the lone "truthers" can stop him by converting everyone else in the world to their beliefs. Only once the "truth" is spread to all, will the world be safe again from the Big Bad Guy. Only the enlightened "true believers" are the good guys, all the "sheep" who are in the dark are waiting to be enlightened and liberated by the truth. If they cant see the truth, then they are condemned as participants in the evil conspiracy. There is no middle ground. Either you believe the "TRUTH" or you contribute to the shroud of evil and ignorance permeating the world. This is a great way to demonize non-believers, glorify believers, keep the cult members in line with fear, and ridicule anyone who doesnt believe. Finally, the only reason the world hasnt changed to the way they want it to, is because they havent worked hard enough to convert more people. Once everyone is converted to believe in the one true "truth", the world will be a better place.

At 01 January, 2007 00:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top 11 Reasons 9/11 Deniers are a Cult:

1. They have no proof of their beliefs, yet believe anyways. They convince themselves they have evidence, but all they have are theories. They have absolute faith that these theories are true, and nothing will persuade them otherwise.

2. They think they are skeptics, but are in fact the opposite of skeptics. They urge others to have an open mind, when they have theirs sealed shut.

3. They block and ban those who disagree with them. They claim free speech is being taken away, yet they do not see the irony of denying it to others. Only "truth" speech must be allowed.

4. Their actions are inconsistent with their beliefs. They believe a large omnipotent Nazi-ish organization is out to conquer them, yet they plaster their names publicly when "exposing" them. They wouldn't last a day in an actual totalitarian regime.

5. They label "truth" all over their beliefs, in order to keep up the self-delusion, instead of "theory" which is the correct label. They feel labelling "truth" all over their theories gives them carte-blanche to be stubborn-headed and unwilling to analyze anything rationally. After all, the "truth" needs no proof or evidence.

6. They make aggressive and annoying use of spam to convert new members to their cult. They organize online to "spread the truth". This is pure cultish behavior designed to protect their beliefs. Instead of presenting evidence, they ask questions to "unbelievers", in order to lure them into a lengthy debate designed to confuse and exhaust new people into their cult.

7. There is an entire episode of South Park that makes fun of them, yet they still dont get the joke.

8. Instead of looking at issues rationally and objectively, they instead try to find facts to suit their theories, ignoring everything else that doesnt fit. This is the complete opposite of scientific investigation. It is closer to apologism.

9. They take anything they read on the internet as evidence. The Internet has a higher level of truth to them, than say, going out and talking to people in real life. They dont want to do actual research, just sit in their safe little room, watching internet videos that prop up their dogma.

10. Any evidence that disproves them, is instantly written off as planted, paid for, from a shill, or controlled by the government/corporate media. The conspiracy logic is so circular that they can never escape their own delusion.

11. There is a big bad guy (George Bush) who is responsible for the evil around us. Him and his henchmen are out to rule the world in a gigantic conspiracy. Only the lone "truthers" can stop him by converting everyone else in the world to their beliefs. Only once the "truth" is spread to all, will the world be safe again from the Big Bad Guy. Only the enlightened "true believers" are the good guys, all the "sheep" who are in the dark are waiting to be enlightened and liberated by the truth. If they cant see the truth, then they are condemned as participants in the evil conspiracy. There is no middle ground. Either you believe the "TRUTH" or you contribute to the shroud of evil and ignorance permeating the world. This is a great way to demonize non-believers, glorify believers, keep the cult members in line with fear, and ridicule anyone who doesnt believe. Finally, the only reason the world hasnt changed to the way they want it to, is because they havent worked hard enough to convert more people. Once everyone is converted to believe in the one true "truth", the world will be a better place.

At 01 January, 2007 00:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top 11 Reasons 9/11 Deniers are a Cult:

1. They have no proof of their beliefs, yet believe anyways. They convince themselves they have evidence, but all they have are theories. They have absolute faith that these theories are true, and nothing will persuade them otherwise.

2. They think they are skeptics, but are in fact the opposite of skeptics. They urge others to have an open mind, when they have theirs sealed shut.

3. They block and ban those who disagree with them. They claim free speech is being taken away, yet they do not see the irony of denying it to others. Only "truth" speech must be allowed.

4. Their actions are inconsistent with their beliefs. They believe a large omnipotent Nazi-ish organization is out to conquer them, yet they plaster their names publicly when "exposing" them. They wouldn't last a day in an actual totalitarian regime.

5. They label "truth" all over their beliefs, in order to keep up the self-delusion, instead of "theory" which is the correct label. They feel labelling "truth" all over their theories gives them carte-blanche to be stubborn-headed and unwilling to analyze anything rationally. After all, the "truth" needs no proof or evidence.

6. They make aggressive and annoying use of spam to convert new members to their cult. They organize online to "spread the truth". This is pure cultish behavior designed to protect their beliefs. Instead of presenting evidence, they ask questions to "unbelievers", in order to lure them into a lengthy debate designed to confuse and exhaust new people into their cult.

7. There is an entire episode of South Park that makes fun of them, yet they still dont get the joke.

8. Instead of looking at issues rationally and objectively, they instead try to find facts to suit their theories, ignoring everything else that doesnt fit. This is the complete opposite of scientific investigation. It is closer to apologism.

9. They take anything they read on the internet as evidence. The Internet has a higher level of truth to them, than say, going out and talking to people in real life. They dont want to do actual research, just sit in their safe little room, watching internet videos that prop up their dogma.

10. Any evidence that disproves them, is instantly written off as planted, paid for, from a shill, or controlled by the government/corporate media. The conspiracy logic is so circular that they can never escape their own delusion.

11. There is a big bad guy (George Bush) who is responsible for the evil around us. Him and his henchmen are out to rule the world in a gigantic conspiracy. Only the lone "truthers" can stop him by converting everyone else in the world to their beliefs. Only once the "truth" is spread to all, will the world be safe again from the Big Bad Guy. Only the enlightened "true believers" are the good guys, all the "sheep" who are in the dark are waiting to be enlightened and liberated by the truth. If they cant see the truth, then they are condemned as participants in the evil conspiracy. There is no middle ground. Either you believe the "TRUTH" or you contribute to the shroud of evil and ignorance permeating the world. This is a great way to demonize non-believers, glorify believers, keep the cult members in line with fear, and ridicule anyone who doesnt believe. Finally, the only reason the world hasnt changed to the way they want it to, is because they havent worked hard enough to convert more people. Once everyone is converted to believe in the one true "truth", the world will be a better place.


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